Monday, June 11, 2012

You can cancel bad dreams by asking God to cancel them.

"Do you ever consider that many times you have even received warnings in your dreams... and due to lack of understanding you may have unknowingly allowed some nasty things to happen to you?"

Let's look at this sobering example...
The President's Case
A few days before he was killed, Abraham Lincoln said that he was impressed by the number of prophetic dreams in the Bible.
When his wife asked him why he'd brought this up, Lincoln related a dream he just had.
He was wandering through the halls of the White House trying to find out where the sound of weeping people was coming from. His search led him to
the East Room where he saw a coffin lying on a platform, guarded by soldiers and surrounded by a throng of mourners.''
"Who is dead?" he asked in the dream.
"The president, killed by an assassin" was the answer.
The loud grieving sobs of mourners finally awoke Lincoln from the dream.
We all know the rest of the story... Lincoln was killed by an assassin's bullet a few days later.

Dreams of being attacked by armed persons means a conspiracy is being hatched against your life and interests.
Dreams of being shot mean you have Satanic hunters firing arrows into your life. Sooner or later they will manifest in the physical, unless you know how to deal with it.
Both of these are spiritual battles that if not dealt with in the spiritual realm will manifest in the physical realm.

Source(s):Cracking the Dream Code by Elisha Goodman

Dreams of being attacked and bitten by snakes in a dream means that you are under attack by wickedly intelligent enemies on a mission to steal, kill and destroy.
You are under a spiritual attack and the enemy is trying to destroy you whether it by by a car accident or anything else. You need to pray against the evil forces.
Source(s): Cracking the Dream Code by Elisha Goodman

Thursday, May 24, 2012

ATTENTION: For Christians ONLY

40 Dreams - What They Mean
101 Prayers to Deal with Them (Biblically)

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Could Your Dreams Be Working Against You?

If You Think Your Dreams Mean Nothing At All...
Then Think Again


What follows is a list of some mysterious dreams that can dramatically change your life, whether you remember them or not ... when you wake up.

In a few moments you will see a short list of dreams and their shocking meanings (and in case you've been having this type of dreams) you will have the ability to recognize and cancel the bad ones before they have a chance to manifest when you wake up.

1. Seeing a garden full of fresh fruits and vegetables—This is a sign of prosperity. It means that blessings have been released for you in the spirit realm. Sooner or later it should manifest in the physical if you are alert in the spirit.

2. Seeing dead people constantly means there is a spiritual link that you need to break. The enemy is using that link as a conduit to siphon your virtues and blessings. If the person is a relative, it means you have ancestral evil linkages to deal with. You can pray: “I recover my virtues from the land of the dead, and I cut every ancestral evil linkage with the sword of the Lord in the name of Jesus.”

3. Being arrested means you have fallen into the trap of the spirits which engineer bondage and captivity. You need to rise up with holy anger and pray like this: “I release myself from every satanic cage or prison in the name of Jesus. I bind the arresters in the dream and I release the hornets of the Lord against them. O Lord, dispatch your angels of war to hunt down my captors and take my captivity captive in the name of Jesus.”

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4. Wandering around in a jungle means the spirit of confusion is at work in your life. You will not be able to focus on anything and do it well. Confusion will be the order of the day. You need to bind the spirit of confusion. Ask the Lord to send his angelic dispatch riders to take you out of the maze of confusion.

5. Bulls or cows chasing you mean that witchcraft spirits are after you. Ungodly dream interpreters will tell you cows signify good times coming. That’s a big lie. If you find cows coming after you in the dream, you better wake up and pray! Bind every spirit of witchcraft and release the fire of the Lord to burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name. And learn to be sensitive to what’s going on in your environment.

6. Being forced into marriage means you have been married off in the spirit realm. You have a spirit spouse who will fight aggressively to ensure that you never get married in the physical … or if you ever manage to, that marriage will be hell on earth. This is how the stage is set for separation and divorce that is plaguing many today. Here’s what you do: You rebuke those responsible for the marriage in the name of the Lord. Call on the fire of God to consume that evil marriage and release yourself from its consequences through the blood of Jesus. Declare that you are married to Jesus, and HE will not share you with another. After that, go into a period of extended fasting, praying Type 1 prayer points (i.e. foundational prayers … the kind we pray during our prayer marathons).

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7. Going back to the old house constantly in your dream you lived in as a child means the spirits of powers of retardation operating in your family line is trying to cut short your progress and place a spiritual ceiling on your life. If you don’t stand against this through prayer and fasting, you might soon find yourself making negative or backward progress, being passed over for promotion at work, losing favor with friends and family, making silly mistakes that annoy your boss at work and can get you fired, etc. You pray: “Every altar of backwardness in my fathers’ house, collapse in the name of Jesus.” Then you quickly follow up with this one: “Let the habitation of humiliation and demotion be battered, shattered and swallowed up by the power of God, in Jesus’ name.”

Other Real Life Dreams Posted in Our Dream Forum

23. Dreams of having sex

24. Dreams of being pursued by dogs

26. Always eating in the dream

27. Sitting for examinations

28. Dreams of death

29. Having recurring nightmares

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30. Seeing animals in your dream

31. Dreams of contacts with dead parents

32. Dreams of being attacked by armed persons

33. Dreams of being accused in court

34. Dreams of wearing tattered cloths

35. Dreams of entering vehicles or aircraft

36. Dreams of being naked

37. Dreams of having your things stolen

38. Dreams of having your wedding dress stolen

39. Dreams of having sex with unknown people

40. Dreams of going back to childhood days

From Elisha Goodman

The website is

P.S. Remember, God still speaks to people in their dreams. The enemy also speaks to people in their dreams. Knowing how to recognize when God is speaking and when the enemy is speaking can save your job, your home and even the life of a loved one … someday.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever... Heb. 13:8